I would like to suggest to add Some Missing Mobile Components That could help improve the UI of Apps and make them more similar to Apps .
1 -) customizable "Cards" Component with option to select the Height/Width, backgroud image, border radius and Amount of cards that fit in a horizontal / vertical Row (from 1 to usually max 5 )
and if possible with ability to compose a little bit (so be able to add different cards sizes together , like (image 1 ) . Right Now We cant do this on Mobile since cards go down each
2- Also same Cards , but with a Carousel / Slider option.... (image )
  • Also , it would be interesting to make the Website be "WPA enable" (image 4) (service worker, manifest.json and cache offline. and a add a special button to install WPA app on homescreen (image ) Marketplace owners would then be able to send notifications on browsers like chrome for users and show offline pages saved on cache .