i personally feel the swap is good but when you stand it next to projects coming out it feels limited and the token artwork is a little blurry which could cause suspicion to new users. ive been looking at projects that have cross chain built into the swap where you select what chain to what chain or you keep the chain the same if you want to trade on the same chain. i believe it could be possible to implement a ui upgrade and have a cross chain function that feels seamless. i think we should have 100% control over what tokens appear on the swap dex even if theres a default that offers everything that we can add to or take away etc. as more chains come online in defi the ability to move from chain to chain will become a competitive sector. wormhole seems to have a few projects already working with them so maybe we can have a hybrid swap using your current backend and layering a cross chain option. also we should have the usd value show up during swaps right now its only crypto vs crypto so users would have to do other math before they can make a trade etc